Felix Osawaru Portfolio

Data Analyst skilled in Python, SQL, Excel, Tableau and Machine Learning

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  • Data Cleaning in Python

    "Revolutionizing Business Intelligence: Elevating Customer Call Data through Expert Pandas Data Cleansing"

    Imagine a world where every chat and call with customers becomes a goldmine of insights. I took on an exciting project where I used Python's Pandas library to bring order to customer call data. In this adventure, I transformed raw customer call records using Pandas' data magic. I fixed missing info, cleared out duplicates, corrected data types, and handled odd values. The outcome? Clean and perfect data ready for smart decisions."

    Data Exploration in Python

    "My Exploration Journey with Python's Pandas Library
    Step into a realm where data tells stories waiting to be heard. I initiated an exciting project on world population, harnessing Python's Pandas library to uncover valuable insights from intricate datasets. In this journey, I dived deep into data exploration using Pandas' tools. Sorting, filtering, and visualizing data unveiled hidden patterns. The result?

    Data visualization in Tableau

    Visualization of World Energy Consumption and generation by Countries
    The visualizations provide valuable insights into primary energy consumption, demand, generation, and sources of energy performance of various countries. The trend shows high fossil fuel consumption compared to renewable energy.

    Covid-19 analysis in SQL

    Unveiling COVID-19 Insights: Navigating Data with SQL
    Enter a realm where data exposes the pandemic's secrets. I embarked on a mission, leveraging SQL to decode the complexities of COVID-19 data. In this pursuit, I harnessed SQL's querying power to extract, analyze, and transform COVID-19 data. I joined, aggregated, and visualized data to reveal trends. The outcome? A deeper understanding that empowers strategic response and decision-making."

    Data visualization in Python

    Visualizing Ice Cream Ratings with Python
    Imagine a world where ice cream flavors come to life through data. I embarked on a delicious journey, using Python to craft captivating visualizations for ice cream ratings. In this project, I transformed ratings data into colorful charts and graphs. With Python's visualization libraries, I brought flavor preferences to the forefront, making it easy to spot trends. The result? A visually appealing representation that captures the essence of each scoop."


    Newcastle Upon Tyne
    United Kingdom


    (123) 456-7890


